
One more step.

At the beginning of any great journey, you take one more step. At the end of every small journey, you take one more step. The beginning and end of everything is just one more step among many in our lifetime. Each step should be treated with the importance of that first and last step.

You fear doing great things because you may fail. If you never begin, you have failed. If you never end, then you are closer to enlightenment.

Yet, how can one face the monumental task of doing something, changing something, becoming something?

Take one more step. Treat every part of the progress as you do walking.

That seems to downplay the importance of the task, no?

Walking is a complex action of balance, coordination, and endurance. Think deeply on how complicated walking really is and you will grasp it. Then realize how you have made such a difficult task mundane, by taking one more step.


  1. Hopefully this is motivational enough, Mr. Smith. This is something I have told myself through many a troubled time to keep going. That taking one more step will get me closer, one more step will bring me out of the darkness. Just don't step, keep taking that one more step.

  2. That was actually pretty insightful.

    Thanks man.

  3. Anytime. The words and stories I have collected mean nothing if they are not shared. Knowledge is useless without a way to apply it. Wisdom is useless without a way to share it. All is useless without the willingness to give freely of those traits.

  4. *feels kind of like she is intruding on something* I would call you post very wise but I think you know that already. I saw that one of my freinds was following you and found your name interesting so decided to check you out. I hope to read more stuff from you in the future.

  5. Excellent advice. Thank you for another insightful post.

  6. Bunny, you are never intruding, this is an open place for all readers to share their thoughts.

  7. I have to say that made perfect sense. Coming from a mother who watches as my children learned how to walk and then to run, the importance of such an action is not lost to them. We kind of lose it as we get older and take simple things for granted or stop trying and its sad. But your words grasp that all perfectly and I look forward to reading more from you.

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